Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Weight Loss Product information - Hoodia Gordonii.

Even with the mad rhythm of life in New York, a constant hurry, the lack of sleep, frequently eating on to run - people grow stout. Because of the genetic predisposition to the completeness, frequently do not help the diets and sport. But attractively greatly it is desirable to appear. Indeed not for whom it is no secret that people with the sport figure are more successful in the business, quarry serious relations with the opposite floor are more successful and frequently they lead to matrimony and happy family life.
Scientists frequently astonish us by their approach to the problem. In the situation with the excess weight they focused attention on the African Bushmen of desert of the Kalahari of Namibia located on the territory and Botswana. How Bushmen they can for long hunt and preserve forces? But indeed heat it harasses and is required the maintenance of the reserves of energy. After studying the means of the life of some bushmen tribes (San-Bushman, Tsvana, Sean, the Gerero and other), scientists noted that they use into the food certain product for maintaining the forces. With the detailed study it was explained that this plant the cactus of Hoodia Gordonii, is more precise the core of this plant. Hoodia Gordonii resembles cactus, but this is not cactus.
The pharmaceutical company Fhytopharm began to seriously study the properties of Hoodia Gordonii and the influence of the core Hoodia Gordonii on the exchange of substances in the organism of people. Was tested on volunteers and animals the extract of Hoodia Gordonii. The results of testing the new preparation of Hoodia exceeded all expectations. It turned out that the content in the plant of molecule P 57 renders positive result when it is desired to lose weight. After the use of the extract of Hoodia the number of used calories during the day is reduced to 900 - 1100 kilocalories. It was explained that the ingredient P 57 in the extract of the African plant of Hoodia Gordonii, transmitted pulse into the brain about the fact that man is satisfied, even if he is hungry. Is at long last found medicine the suppressing weak will of man and killing appetite.
Tablets with the content of Hodia or extract Hoodia are very successful when it is desired to lose weight. Good results are noticeable after the method of the tablets Hoodia of those containing from one to three weeks.
Doctors do not recommend the using of medicine by pregnant and misusing alcohol.
Plant greatly loves heat - and is reared exclusively in Africa. It is introduced into the convention CITES about the trade of wild flora and fauna.

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